by Russ .........................................
Yesterday we had to let you You were with us for many years, but you had to leave when we weren't ready to tell you good bye. It will not be the same without you racing to the door to meet me and following me around the house, barking at me to stop and sit down so you could jump in my lap and give me all the attention you could, while making sure you received your fair share of love as well. It will not be the same to be in a quiet house and being able to hear you snore from every room. I will miss your lying next to me while I sat in the recliner, totally content to sleep next to me. I will miss your Boston Terrier smile. I will miss you. Life will seem a lot darker now, and empty as well. Having to make the decision to let you go was a very hard one, but as much as my heart did not want to lose you, my mind told me it was time for you to go on, be in peace, and suffer no more. You are with your best buddy Butch now, you both have the energy of young dogs, romping around open fields, playing ball, chasing each other, and lying down together again. You'll keep each other company until we can all be together again. My life was better because of you and you have a very large portion of my heart to keep and hold until the hsppy reunion happens.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Russ
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