Pet Scarabook
by Russ Mitchell.........................................
I was having to put my pointer/seter mix "Mac" to sleep as he had cancer. So when we arrived at hte vets office we had a little time. I carried Mac for a little walk, he acted as though he was feeling fine and my heart was breaking as I knew this would be our last stroll, what a neat, gentleman of a dog he had always been. Never a moments trouble and tons of joy and fun runs in the wilds. Well I kept my compusure as I left him with the vet gave hima laat hug. Made it home but when I entered the house I lost it and cried bitterly as did my mom. Well I hadn't had a dog in several years and "Mac" was special.I was grieving hard for about a week. A relative called me and I know I sounded strange and blubbering as if I had lost a member of my family which I had. I knew I had to try to get past this grief so I remembered wonderful dogs and cats my sister and I had while growing up and I was not grieving so like this for them. So I just made a mental scrapbook with remberences of all of them and placed "Mac" in there with them. I had to keep repeatedly placing him in this wonderful corner of my conciousness. Gradually it seemed to help over time. I then realized that in our huma nmakeup the same capacity we have to enjoy them is part of the grieving process. IN other words if we didn't grieve for them we could not have enjoyed them to start with. I have had to repeat this process severl times. I tied to comfort an adult couple coming out of the vets office with a beloved pet that had been put to sleep. I told them this. They neither could speak except to say "thank you".

Well the question has come up do animals go to heaven. It seems that some of the "big guns" of the protestant faith taught that they did. This would be Martin Luther, JOhn Calvin, the "Wesley brothers", and more. I intend to reserch further into this. I know that god loves his cretures more than I ever could."His Eye Is on The Sparow", one of my dads favorite piano pieces which he could play the keys off of and could not read a note of music. And of course in the "MIllenial Kingdom" lions andd the like will become grass eaters and the lion will lay down with the lamb. This I do know is sciptural. So whatever the case with my departed pets I believe they were a gift from a loving god and whateverthe case with them they are in God's plan and in his dominion so whether they are resurected or not I will not concern myself with. But wouldn't that be wonderful if thy did. Not only dogs and cats but I once had a mule that was one of the most noble animals I have ever known,if I had been mature as I am now when I had him, I would have really made a pet of him. The nobility in animals, wild and domestic is overwhelming to me but I hate to see show where lions and leopards and the like are killing other animals but this all came about when the evil one disrupted things in "The Garden of Eden", and you think God is not angry with Satan, oh yes and he is going to make it right one day and its looking like it may be sooner than we think and we had all better draw close to our dear loving God.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Russ Mitchell
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