by Samantha .........................................
I remember the first time I saw you. I made a habit of going to pet stores and looking at dogs in my college years and one day saw a larger puppy with a 50% off sticker in his window. You had knee problems from being in a small cage and needed treatment. When the store got you well enough to be put back in a cage.. you were big so you were for sale. They told me you were a lab with black spots on your tounge. I took you out and played with you and put you back. I thought about you all night. The next day, I went back and got you. I never believed in getting a dog from a place like that but you too needed rescued. You were a Charlie. You were the first dog I have had since leaving my parents home. Charlie, you were with our family through two babies who are growing up so fast. You protected our family. You were never mean to anyone, you were very sweet and just wanted to be outdoors for a little while and then inside withus. You loved to fetch. You grew old quickly, I didn't realize you were sick until it was too late. Charlie, you had spleen cancer. You had just turned 8 years old. To me, you were still so young. The illness hit you hard. You went to the vet and I thought you would get some medicine and you would be fine but that wasn't the case. You were ready to go. You were in pain and I feel so awful because I had no idea. We miss you Charlie. The house is empty without you here. I wish that I could pet you and tell you I'm sorry that you are sick. You have been with me through so much and I wish I could have been there for you through your illness, I still can't believe you were so sick. You are such a good boy. I'm thankful to have been there with you when you passed on with your head on my knee. What I told you was true Charlie, you are a good boy and everything will be okay. We are planting a tree for you in the back yard boy. You are welcome anytime. We love you Charlie.