I would like to share a story , one i, sure you are very familiar with being your site and all . I guess i should begin at the beginning as stories should start . Excuse my typing and spelling its been many years since school .
I met an older lady who needed help with things espically around her house she was a horder so needless to say her house was a disaster she also bred chichihuas . When i enetered her house i looked to the left and there was a crip with puppies and one of them caught my eye he haded the biggest eyes and was the cutest thing i set my eyes on (besides the birth of my son ) I started to clean and kept being drawn over to the crib whwere the puppy would lay . I came home to tell my husband of my find and he agreed to "look" at the puppy . Immediatly we were both hooked .I asked her how much is this puppy ? she said 400.00 dollars My heart sank . there would be no way i could pay that amoount . I then asked her if i could work it off she said Yes! I was excited and VERY happy.
I would send my son to school and drive over and work until night falll . Cleaning the most disgusting things i think a human has ever saw. Every day it got worse , cleaning cupboards full of bug shells . Scrubing toliets to make them white once again . Under the hot sun weeding her yard but when the day was through I was able to spend some time with him , I knew he was worth ever thing i had done that day . My husband particapated helping doing his part But after a month he decided enough is enough he told me she was using us holding the puppy over are heads like a horse pulling a carriage waiting to feast on the carrot out of his reach . I didnt give up I couldnt this puppy relayed on me so worked another 2 months . finally came the day i could bring him home with resistants from his owner . I brought him home in a carrier What a day that was a new life .
We held that bond I was never out of his sight he would be with my always and when i was away i couldnt wait to return. I would be in the bathroom there would be goo I would be cooking under foot would be goo goo . H ebecame my best friend He accepted my faults and loved me just the same He was treated like a king nobody could say anything bad about my furry friend . and at night when he snuggled up against me I would whisper things to him I would tell him secrets pains and sorrows as well as joys in my past and present .
My son is special needs so after a day of stress and frustration i felt relaxed to talk to my special friend and no matter how down i would feel he would look at me with his big brown eyes and I knew it would be okay .
He was my security and i was his human mom ,
This went on for 2 years my life was good with my friend . Then one afternoon as I watched tv he didnt lay by me This was odd . I found him laying in the kitchen I thought well he just had a belly ache maybe and just wanted to be left alone this would pass at least i thought The next day was the same . He started to hide not eating but drinking okay .I started to get concerned I would find him in weird spots throughout the house , he stopped wanting to sleep with me . I called a friend and she said did you know that the recalled dog food , well think god i didnt give my little buddy those can dog foods . Then i found out some of the treats were also tainted THE TREATS THAT I GAVE MY BABY WAS BAD . I stopped but it was too late . It was Friday night after i had made vet calls and goo was bad by then I prayed hard and asked to lord to spare my dog . In the middle of the night i awoke to check on him there he laid he looked up at me to say mom its okay I am going to a better place where i can play and run free . The next day my beloved goo goo was gone This happed over to weeks ago and im lost and devasted I reach for my friend at night he isnt there . My heart is broken I cry every day I try to paint ( I am an artist but my brush doesnt flow like it once did all i can do is think about my furry little friend .
No amount of money these dog food companys can give could ever replace my loss .
I miss him and i will love him forever .Rest in peace my baby ,my friend my companion Mr little guy gonzalez.
I just wanted to share my story You may post this on your website if you like . And god bless you for listening and taking time to listen to thouse who grieve ,
Sandy Trostle
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