Sebastian's Swan Song
by Sebastian's Dad .........................................
The Legend of the Mute Swan dates back to 458 BC, telling that the Mute Swan remains silent its entire life until shortly before it dies, when it sings. Like many legends, there is a lesson to be learned, especially pet owners. Animals have a form of "sixth sense" which they rely on to survive. Our pets too, have this gift, and they know when we are ill, or sad or happy. So too do dogs (and other pets) know when their time is near, doing what they must to bond with us and hide from us that which they know is soon to come, and if you watch carefully for the signs, you will know as well.

Sebastian, our first Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, was the only male of our four Cavs, and he was the oldest-born in Oct. of 2001. He loved to run and jump and the only one to be able to leap onto our high bed when it was time to say goodnight. When I would come home from working late and take them for a walk, he would leap from the bed racing to be the first to the door; and when we returned he would leap onto the bed and wait for his treat, and often grab my finger along with the small biscuit. Then suddenly instead of leaping from the bed, Sebastian would roll over for me to pet his belly, and I would have to carry him off the bed. Although he still leaped onto the bed, he became more timid in taking the biscuit from my fingers. Somehow he was telling me something, a message I did not want to hear. He, and I, were getting old. Never doubt an animals's intuition, especially your pet's.

This went on for a couple of months when I got the call from my wife Camille, who had brought him to the vet because she noticed he was not eating right, that his heart was enlarged. I knew in my heart what Sebastian was telling me was true. Sebastian's time was growing near and there was little we could do for him. For three weeks we brought him for all kinds of tests and tried different foods and medicine, but Sebastian knew he would soon sing the Swan's Song.

Although a pet will warn you of impending danger, such as an earthquake, or if you are ill, but they will try their best to hide their own illness, especially when it is terminal. During the weeks that preceded his death, Sebastian would let loose with bursts of energy and run around the yard, but then he would tire and we had to carry him up the stairs. Eventually he lacked the energy to run, and the day before he passed away, Camille took photos of him, and when I look at them posted on his Rainbow Bridge Residency, I can see in his big brown Cavalier eyes that he knew the end was near....but as with all loyal pets, his sadness was not for himself, but for his mommy.

On June 11 I remained home to be with Sebastian while Camille attended a family function. I remember working on the computer as Sebastian rested, and every once in a while I would make him a hot dog (which he would only eat a small amount) or give him a biscuit treat. Then around 1600 hours on the 11th of June, 2011, it was time for him to take his medication, and where usually he would spit out his pills, I placed them inside bolgna and bread and he ate it up. I gave him more and he ate that as well, something he had not done in weeks when he stopped eating his dry food and then stopped eating all together.

I then poured a cup of food into his bowel and hand fed him and he ate every bit of it, as though it was his "last supper". Then I took the four Cavs out on their leashes and Sebastian was his old self again. He led the way pulling me and the other dogs down the stairs, and when we got to the lawn he ran in circles and barked and stood up on his hind legs and sang his Swan Song. It was such a wonderful song as he danced to the tune.

Then Sebastian tired and I carried him up the stairs and he rested in the kitchen. I was so excited that Sebastian may be getting better I called Camille to let her know. I wish she was there to see it, it was such a beautiful sight to see. Just as told in the Legend of the Mute Swan, Sebastian ate his last meal and sang his last song.

That night Sebastian's breathing became labored, and in the morning Camille and I knew he was suffering and what we needed to do. But Sebastian would not take part in putting us through that as his job was (in his gentle and fragile way) to be our protector. Although he tried to hide, Camille refused to let him die alone, and held him in her arms until he finally stretched out and took his final breath. We tried so hard to close his eyes but they remained open, just staring at us.

So no matter what others may try to tell you about the Legend of the Mute Swan not being true, like any other legend, it has a grain of truth combined with a powerful message. Our dogs (and other pets) live their lives for only one purpose, and that is to please us, to protect us and to make us proud of them.

Sebastian refused to leave us with a memory of watching him suffer and instead decided to sing his Swan Song for me, leaving me with lasting memories of him in his prime, eating from my hand and singing his song as he danced.

So when your furry pet looks deep into your soul with those mystical eyes, know that they are speaking to you in their own way, telling you that they love you and want only to be loved by you.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Sebastian's Dad
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