by Shannon .........................................
To My Dear Dog:
You have barely been gone a month and I am trying to get use to life without you by my side. I did every activity of daily living with you as my co-pilot, I feel like I'm in someone else's life without a map. My handsome little terrier, you made me smile and comforted me for 18 years. Through two divorces, the loss of a home, a job and numerous other trying changes, you were my constant. You were the one to remind me that things would get better, that I could rebound quickly and be happy again. But now things are so different and lonely without you. I would give anything to pet your soft head, to rub your slightly chubby tummy, to walk with you along the river while you smelled every bush, tree and blade of grass. To say to you "lets go" and have you peel up the rug with your anticipation of a ride.
No one quite understands who I've lost.....I do. The day you were put to rest because only your loving heart was still healthy, I will never forget. I know I was blessed to have had you in my life for as long as I did, but I would have given up anything to have you another 18 years. I take comfort in knowing that you are healthy, happy and taken care of in heaven. I hope you will find me when I enter heaven, because I will be in desparate search of you. I know my journey will be complete when I see you again and we can cross that bridge together and won't have to be apart ever again. I love you with every ounce of my being dear doggy, I miss you completely, take care and I'll see you again one day.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Shannon
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