My Toots
by Sheri Haley.........................................
On Saturday February 7, 2009 I lost my love of 17 1/2 years..My Ashlee was with me from my divorce to my remarriage, a new home or 2, two babies and a couple of dogs....thru it all she never complained and always loved with her whole heart...we as a family miss her so much and I am devastated..I never thought I would have to make the decision and carry out putting her down alone...saying goodbye was the single most hardest thing I have done in my life..I will miss her forever..I know she is in a better place, whole and healthy but I would give anything to spend the rest of my life with her. I still look all over the house in all her favorite places...I think it will take time to process...Rest in Peace my Toots I love you!!!! Rest in the sun and feel the warmth...
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Sheri Haley
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