by Shirley Saywood
loved youHeidi from the moment I first saw you. I rescued you when you were lost, and you rescued me at the same time. I loved having you beside me, walking with you, watching you run free when I found a safe place for you to. Loved it when you found a worm or smell and rolled all over it, then ran so fast in circles around me. Oh how I miss you. I loved when you came to me when I said, "Where's my Heidi"? I loved snuggling with you on the sofa. I loved you sleeping on my bed before Daddy joined us. I love playing "tug of war" with you. I loved watching you with Lily, and whenever you saw cats on our walks, you had to see them, so you would sit your bum down, refusing to move until you had tried to say hello to them. Do you remember Tuxie the cat up the lane. She liked you a lot. Even Gilbert got used to you and stopped growling when we walked by. You sure loved cats my sweet Heidi. I have so many happy memories of you. I will never forget you. Neither will Daddy. Remember when he stayed with you when Mama had to go away? He fell in-love with you too Heidi. Remember how he gave you real bones? You loved them didn't you. I let Daddy feed you when he came to live with us because it made him happy to do it, not because I didn't want to feed you any more. I never loved you any less when he came to live with us. Sometimes he liked to take you out by himself, but I waited for you baby. Mama loved taking you for walks, taking photos of you. I hope you are with Maggie up there in Rainbow Ridge Heidi. She was your best friend I know. Remember the walks we all went on together. You and Maggie would sniff the same things. I loved to watch you and Maggie together. I loved Maggie too, but never as much as I love you my dear Heidi. Oh how I miss you every day and night. Everywhere I go and whatever I do, there are sweet memories of you and me together. It makes me sad that you are no longer here with me. My heart hurts, but I love the reminders of you when I remember how much you loved me, as I loved you. I always will love and miss you Heidi. Thank God or the Universe for helping us to find each-other. Also, for bringing Daddy to us. We both love and miss you so much. Rest in peace dear Heidi, except when you are running around on the hillside. Thank you for making my life so much richer by being with me. I hope that I did the right thing on the day you collapsed Heidi. I wanted to hold you on the way to the vet, but I had to drive. They wouldn't let me come in the back with you at the vet. I wanted to comfort you, but I had to wait until they brought you out to us after they gave you something for your pain. Did you have pain? I wish I knew. I don't know whether I should have brought you home so we could have more time together, but I woukdn't have wanted that if it hurt you baby. I hope that you could see and hear me when they brought you out, so we could say "Goodbye". I didn't want to let you go, but the vet said it was the best thing for you Heidi baby. I have your earthly remains here in a lively box which Daddy bought for us. It has your name and the date that I adopted you, also the date of your passing away from us and to your resting place. Mummy and Daddy will meet you at Rainbow Ridge one day, and we will cross the bridge together, never to be apart again. I love you Heidi. Daddy loves you too. We miss you like crazy. Lily is here with us now and she misses you too. Wait for us sweetheart. Love you forever. ππΎππΎππΎππΎππΎππΎππΎππΎ LINK TO VISIT HEIDI'S MEMORIAL: