by Sierra .........................................
I am an 11 year old. Just in January I lost a dear friend of mine. His name was Eskimo. But we called him Eski for short. My mother got him at a dairy farm 15 years ago. I was born in 1998 so I knew him my whole life! Well he started acting funny the beginning of January 2010. He started to go in the bathroom and get in the tub and meow. So we would make it so the water could not get out and turn on the water and he would drink it all and get out. A week later he was acting even more funny and he would not come out to the living room. Then when you would take him to the living room he would just run back down the hall. He started to get worse. We took him to the vet. We found out his kidneys were bad. The decision was made. We would
put him down. There was another choice....we could pay $8,000 for a treatment that might not even work. When he was falling asleep forever my stomach hurt so bad! It was like someone was stabbing me. I felt so bad for him because he was vomiting so much. He has always thrown up ever since he got in his later years.
He was wrapped up in my little brother's baby blanket...yellow with white spots. We went back to my grandma's house, close to where our vet is. We wrapped him all up and put him upstairs. Then we went back the next day and buried him with all of the other pets who are at the rainbow. Today March, Sunday the 21st I will go visit him. I always called him.......

Eski-Bow-Deski. I miss you so Eski-Bow-Deski. My mom misses you too! Even though we got other cats you will never be replaced!

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Sierra
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