by Sonia Bald.........................................
There once was a 6 month old shepherd/rottweiler mix found on the highway and given to us by a friend who knew we loved dogs. We named her Darla because my husband likes to name our pets after the little rascals. When we first got her, I asked my husband if we could give her back, lol! She was very bity and I wasn't getting the love vibe.

That changed the first time I gave her a bath in the shower with me. She hated it but I got a feeling of love, of taking care of her, because she was nervous and ringing wet and showed her softer side.

From that point on we were inseparable, from her biting and playing with me on the bed, to her antagonizing our German shepherd Viktor, to her being my strength when my husband died, to her being my last dog after Viktor died.

She beat cancer 5 years ago and one back leg was removed. I wasn't sure if she would make it afterwards because of the pain. But miracle of all miracles, Tramadol pills! She was back to her bouncing self in no time. The vet and staff at Driftwood Animal Hospital loved her. They always said she was just the sweetest girl they knew.

When I recently ended a relationship, which was a good thing, she was there.............always there. If I had to choose to have a man in my life or a dog in my life, dog wins hands down.

My little Dee Dee got bloat last Saturday, and my Dad, Stepmom and I rushed her to the emergency clinic. I knew what it was because my Shepherd died of it. She made it through, although they had to keep her a couple of nights. Another miracle?

I took her to our vet's, they let me take her home the next night, with iv fluids, so she wouldn't be alone. Poor Darla, she really hadn't moved or taken any food for 4 days. She just was very thirsty.
She couldn't get up to go to bathroom. She seemed upset with me and that hurt. Monday night, though, she licked me, I was forgiven.

I took her in yesterday to ask my vet if he knew what I knew, that she didn't have it in her to survive, that she wasn't comfortable or happy and it was time.

I sat with her in the back of my car until it was time. The vet tech broke into tears, she said she is just looking at you with so much love.

We did the right thing. I looked for absolution from the vet, I fed her too much that night, it was my fault. He said it was not my fault, that I was a good mother to keep her well for almost 14 years. The vet tech hugged me and kissed Darla and was bereft. She cried almost as much as I did.

When it was over, I kissed and kissed and kissed my little girl. I love her smell, I love that spot between her eyes, I love her bad breath, I love to pull her ears together and feel their softness and then let them flop back. The shepherd in her keeps them straight sometimes, but the rottweiler in her flops them back down.

I don't think I have ever been loved or ever loved something as much as my DeeDee, with the exception of my Rottweiler/Lab who passed many years ago. But she was our only girl.

My special DeeDee, sweetest soul, my heart, my life, I miss you Darla, I can't stand it. Special special girl. Find Daddy and Viktor, and Petey, and Bear, and Bossman, and play and run and bark. Mommy will see you in the future, when I once again can hug you tight and never let you go.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Sonia Bald
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