by Stacy .........................................
I got Scotty when he was about 8 weeks old; he is now about 8 1/2.
I am disabled and have had to live in some pretty unsavory rentals through the years. My poor guy has had to move 17 times with me - and is the most resilient, sweet, funny, dedicated little guy in the world. he is the 5th bunny I have had, and never had one live this long! I can hardly describe the funny things he does, the spunky, loving, sensitive, intelligent, psychic little man. Comes up and nips my ankle when I am upset. The looks he gives me - the eye contact is unbelieveable. So, jumping to the current situation. In my stress and anxiety over current living situation I actually stepped on my little one on 12/23. Turns out his jaw is fractured in 2 places, inoperable, and he is loaded up on bunny morphine and homeopathics. He has been hiding under the bed because he knows I need to syringe feed him, which he hates. The vet and I are hoping he will heal sufficiently in the next 2-3 weeks that we can stop the drugs - so he can be Scotty again. He has lost a lot of weight and his jaw won't close all the way, the biggest problem because of bunnies needing to grind down their teeth by chewing. Dental problems are a big problem with domestic bunnies, and the vet said he is concerned because he can't fit the tools in his mouth if he needs to trim his back molars.
Besides grieving my baby boy already, 8 1/2 is pretty old for a bunny and I knew he wouldn't live forever though he was in great health before my stupid, clumsy act. It's all a blur and I know I am writing a long run-on paragraph. I am sitting in my p.j.'s after noon on a warm day in San Diego county because I want to spend as much time as possible with him right now, more than usual. I am angry with the vets who waited a week before feeling the need for xrays or stronger pain medication. These are the most highly-respected and expensive vets around. I chose them because they are supposed to be the best, and nearby. They charged me $200 over the estimate and the office staff is stuck-up. it's just a big mess. I should clarify I got the less -experienced vet because the co-owner was not in due to the holidays, but I at least am seeing him now. He doubled the pain meds to twice daily - TWO pain meds. Poor poor baby. I suffer from depression and multiple disabilities, and frankly, I don't want to be here if he isn't. We both have been thru so many hard times that I know it's getting time for both of us to leave the planet anyway. I always pray that he goes first so that I can always be the one to take care of him. I know this is a bleak story, but after having so many animals and grieved so deeply I didn't know I could feel this way again. More than anything, I am sick over the pain and stress I have caused this sweetest angel. By the way, I chose him one day as I was passing by the animal store at the mall. Normally I only buy Rescues, but this guy was sitting in teh corner, being trampled on the rest of the litter and he looked so depressed, like he wasn't going to make it. I wanted to give him a happy home...
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Stacy
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