Fluff Fluff
by Stephanie Gregory.........................................
I remember the day your mommy had you. I was 8 yrs old. I fell in love with you at first sight. When it was time to find good homes for you and your siblings I hid you so nobody would take you. Finally my mommy said I could keep you. That was the best day. We got to grow up together. You would find me presents and sneak them in my room(like the time you brought me the field mouse). You were always thinking of me. I remember how mad you got when I had my son. I never thought you would like him. When he got bigger you loved him too. He would always wake up and bring me the money you would take from my purse and place so carefully by his head. I always wondered why I got a field mouse and my son got money! You stayed by my side through thick and thin. I know god gave you to me for a special reason. You helped me through so many things. It has been 3 yrs since you passed from this world. I still miss you everyday. People said having you for almost 25 years was a blessing. It wasn't enough time. Even though I had 6 hours to say good bye the day you passed, I still wish I could have said more. I will never for get you. You were the best cat ever! I love you Fluff Fluff
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Stephanie Gregory
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