Eight Years Ago Anniversary
by Stephen Pritikin
2-16-21, Dear Tazma, it has been eight years on Feb 18, 2013 since you left for Rainbow Bridge. Not a day goes by I don't think about you. I have your sisters Lana, Binky, and new little Rosey to remind me. I hope you are with your other sisters Taffy and Runt. I miss all of you. Rosey is so much like you. She is playful, loves paper balls, and give kitty love all day and night. I wish as I say every year that all fur babies can live to the same age as their caretakers. What happened to 15 years ? They went by so quick. I know I will see you when time comes and we will be reunited again forever. I love you so much. I hear you in my sleep sometimes. I see you in my dreams. You were my first fur baby who only knew how to have fun, play, and give unconditional love. I miss you so much. Please take care of Taffy and Runt. I will write again soon. Loving you forever. Daddy
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