One Year Ends...A New Year Starts
by Stephen Pritikin
Dec, 31, 2016 Dear Tazma kitty. I hope your Christmas was special. It was not so good for me. With you and Taffy missing around the tree it was almost lonely. The next day your mommy walked out with a mental breakdown and does not want to return home anymore after 23 years. I have your sisters Runt, Lana, and Binky and hope I can find a way to stay in my home. I hope you are well and I miss you the most. I have surgery coming soon Jan 17th and I will be alone after in the house trying to heal. I remember the days you did your kitty walk on my chest. That would always heal me. I hope the day comes when we all can be together again. You are the best little kitty ever. I also hope Nancy is well. I have not heard from her in a while and I know she was ill. Please take care of yourself and know I love you so much. I wish you were here to knock down the tree. Binky is 9 months old but a big girl. She kept climbing into the tree and knocking all the ornaments off. Well my sweet baby, take care and I will write again soon. Love you so much..Daddy
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