Cats and more Cats
by Steve Pritikin.........................................
My first pet and beautiful girl. Tazma as you can see by my writings is loved unconditionally. I could write forever if I had the room. I found my writings happen when something triggers something that will cause me to think of my baby Tazma and have a need to put it out there where everyone can see. She has non-biological sisters that are a handful and I love them just as much as Tazma. I just can not ever replace Tazma. Taffy is about 12 years old, Runt about 8 years old, and Lana 2 1/2 years old. Lana is most like Tazma. She is always by my side. She plays like Tazma and even her mannerisms all show signs of Tazma. I play with all of them and treat them equally but Tazma is ill-replaceable. Today is a day that something unknown triggered me to write to tell you your sisters and I have been having a fun time and I go outside to tell you what we did. They just do not play paper-ball like you do. I miss the days and rolling up newspapers and having you catch them. Maybe one day Lana will get into that. Also Aunt Jenny has a new Kitty a few weeks old named Nugget. She looks a little like you and Taffy. She has a adorable picture on Facebook. Anyway sweet baby, I miss you so much and wish you the best of health. To anyone who reads this, play with your Fur Babies as much as you can. You never know when something may happen. If you love them, keep doing so. They will never live as long as us so really enjoy ever moment you have free with them. You never know how much you love them until you miss them. Take care sweet Tazma. Love always and forever, your Daddy.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Steve Pritikin
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