Our loving companion Annie
by Steven and Dawn Bravard.........................................
As I lie down and pray for sleep to take my pain
Your little head is no longer there where it had always lain
Memories of you come in like ocean waves
My mind is aflood with all those wonderful days

I see you sunning in the yard, so regal you lie
And when I spoke to you, that knowing look in your eye
Everywhere I look, I see your face and begin to cry
Then I hear you say, "Please don't Dad, I am still close by"

Remember the chase across the beach, digging in the sand,
Jet ski rides, tracking for your glove, flyball and how we ran,
Agility with Mommie, we were such a team!
You both made my life such a doggie's dream!

Think happy thoughts as you remember me
For I am not gone, I will always be.
Can't you feel my warm breath on your hand
And my head against your leg as beside you I stand?

By Annie's Dad

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Steven and Dawn Bravard
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