by Sumaya .........................................
We're in the PetSmart, and I ask to go into the cat care area. The woman behind the cat cages lets me in with a smile, and I see that Juno and 'Lil Guy (I know, who names a cat that?) running and swatting kittens, also free from their cages. My family is soon to follow. When I walk up to Patches, I'm about to pet her, but I feel a touch on my stomach. You know how in pet stores, the cages are stacked in 2 rows? Well, Patchy's cage is on the top, and there's a litter of 8 week old kittens in the cage under Patchy's. Ouch. Now, Patches is completely indifferent, and she thinks SHE gets all the attention. Claws and teeth in my hair. OW. About 20 minutes later, we need to get the kittens back in their cages, and previously, while we were playing, it came to my attention that some kittens were crawling into the cabinets under the cages, not that this matters now.
We get 4 of the kittens in alright but we notice one's missing. This is when it gets fun. FUN. I open up the cabinet, and look who's in there. Easy. But, he runs behind the door, and this isn't a big help either. Now, Patchy doesn't like kittens, but this is an exception. Patches walks up and lures the kitten out. Oh no. The kitten goes UNDER a rolling cabinet. Fortunately, you'd expect that a place full of cats is full of cat TOYS. Yep. We manage to lure the kitten out, end of story, see you next time!
Hope you like!