A Poem for Our Sasha
by Susan Douglas.........................................
A Poem for our Sasha's

My little baby Rottwieller, I love you very much.
It nearly tore my heart in two the day that you just left.
I was not expecting that you'd go away forever. But when we got the call that day that you had gone to heaven , it broke my heart in many ways I never thought could happen . For how can you replace someone as loyal and true as you. You were my best friend on earth and now I am feeling blue. The day I took you to the vets I thought you'd be right back. I never thought not one minute that you were not coming back. I never got to say goodbye and that just hurts so much. For when you have a friend like you goodbye is not enough. I mourn you everyday that passes, the sun no longer shines for without you in my life no more, No sunshine is mine. You were everything I could ask for in a friend, a pet a pal and you were the best girl that Mom and Dad ever could have had. You took our hearts the day we met, in that truck you sat. Really scared and alone until we took you home. You would not climb the stairs, you really were unsure until your Daddy took your paws and guided you right through. You trusted Dad, you trusted Mom with anything they do. For you knew within your heart that no harm would come to you. You were the best damn dog on earth and now your time is through. For you are with the ultimate and he will guide you now. So be good my little lady, as I know you will, You are a little princess and now you dance like one too. We Love you. Mom and Dad

By Sasha's Mommy

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Susan Douglas
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