by Susan Lindauer.........................................
Dafnee came to me one night under the tee shirt of my 17 year old son. She not only was under his tee shirt she very quickly got under my skin ! Dafnee could say "hello" and "out". She could assist in making the bed. She loved to spin around on a chair that went all the way round... I would refer to it as "going round and round and she would jump up on that chair so quickly, hold on with her claws and wait anticipating my spining the chair around. She adored her treats and loved to wait at the basement steps for a game we created "tossing the treats and catching them " she was quite good she could actually catch the treats with a paw and put them in her mouth.She was named after a person I had worked with who was Greek, and had very, very jet black hair as did Dafnee...when I saw Dafnee for the first time and we decided to keep her and choose a name Dafnee was the first thing that popped into my head do to her jet black fur.
Dafnee loved Turkey any kind of canned cat food ...oh no I had to cook turkey special for her or deli or she would not eat ! And damned if I didnt cook for this darling cat ...I loved her so nothing was out of the question. She spent her first 12 years as an indoor outdoor cat and the last 4 as only outdoors when I was outdoors. We moved when she was 12 and too many koyotes around this area so I only let her out when I was outside and she stayed put !!! never tried to run away or chase anything ...she was truly a different cat ..I got food poisening a few years ago and when I was crying on my bed and Dafnee was sitting watching me she walked over to me a put her paw on my cheek comforting me actually showing that she felt sorry for me . She was diagnosed in Summer with cancer in her jaw, I did not think It would be so soon that I would have to decide what was best for her . When she was in the vets office she was calm and really at peace showing she trusted we would do the right thing for her...she actually took my hand with her paw and held it for a while ...She went to sleep today at the vets office. She was so peaceful that I have no regrets ...her pain was so bad since August that it was the right thing to do to let her go ... We will always miss her presents she was a joy to my husband and I. Anyone who reads this and is dealing with a sick cat ...the best thing you can do is give her sometime and when she is ready you will know. I was told that by so many friends and inside I kept saying how will I know ...and you just do.
Sleep peacefully tonight my dear Dafnee we will always have a black spot in our hearts for our dear black Dafnee who has given more joy than she could ever have known.