I could not leave you
in life ~ or in death
please try to believe
that I did not leave
If you cannot see me
do not despair
please believe
that I am still there
I'll be with you
when you dream
and when you wake
I'll be your angel
do not mistake
or wonder why
you do not sink
in grief so long
that with me you die
I will not let you
that is why
you'll wonder why
you have good luck
I'll bring it to you
for loving so much
please sing to me
and talk to me
I need to know
you believe
that I did not leave
I pray you live
a long, full life
and don't be afraid
to die one day
for i am here
no need to fear
my new body
is free of pain
no needles, no pills
for ills, man-made
only love and songs
and angels live here
among flowers and butterflies
where we play
in the soft green grass all day
look for me with different eyes
and you may see me to your surprise
til your last breath
you cling to the thought
that death is the end
it is not
I did not leave you
I am not gone
I was reborn
beyond the veil
in a new body
whole and hale
if you cannot see me
do not despair
please believe me
I am still there
I love you, Pola