by Susan .........................................
My dear, dear Whiskers, how I miss you so! I never in a million years would think I would ever get soo attached to a pet, like I did with you, nothing will ever be able to replace you or the love that I had felt for you! I can remember the first day I laid eyes on you , it was Jan. 29th, 2004, you were 8 weeks old. Couple hours before, I was out with my best friend Jenny and my daughter Brianna, we were at Cold Stone Creamery eating some ice cream, when I received a phone call from the pet store saying they had two kittens that were ready for adoption, one was a white and black cat, the other was a black and white cat. We finished up at the mall, and then headed over to Animals and Things. When we got there, the manager had said the white cat with black spots was already being spoken for, but he did have le ft a male cat all black with white spots. I was a little sad that the other cat was already being taken by someone else, cause I felt I wanted that one more, but we went to see the other cat, and at first I couldn't decide if I wanted it or not, even though it was up to my daughter since it was a bday present from her father.
He had a black spot on his face , which made him look a little funny I thought (but as the years went by, that black spot on his face was very unique and made his look, he turned out to be such a handsome little kitty)my friend Jen said that he was a cute kitten and that spot did not look bad, but me being picky wanted to find the perfect kitty for my daughter, but when I asked Brianna if she liked him, right away she said yes, and as we were sitting there with him in our arms, we came up with the name Whiskers. We brought him home that nite, and we had set everything up for him, and played with him some. When it was time to go to bed, I set up things for him in the living room and went to my bedroom, boy did he cry, he didn't want to be alone, so I went back out and stayed with him a little. I think I started falling in love with him that day, but I just didn't know it yet.
He was so tiny that he tried to crawl under our stove to go hiding , so we had to block everything off for him, he fit in the palm of my hand, this is the first cat I really ever had on my own, so it was quite challenging at times, but so rewarding. I looked forward to coming home and seeing him everyday.
When he was still a kitten, not even a year old, he had almost died on us, at the time the vet that I brought him too didn't know what had caused it, but now that Im thinking back, he could have had this heart disease the whole time and they just didn't know about it, they gave him a 20 percent chance of living at this time, and I cried soo bad, I never thought I was so attached to him as I was, and as he was getting oxygen and in a little incubator, I Was holding his paw thru it, It was breaking my heart I couldn't do anything, I really felt at this time like his mother, this was my child in there, and I couldn't lose him. I spent time with him and then I had to go and they had to do what they had to do with him, I said my good byes but I=2 0told him I would be back to get him, I prayed and cried so hard that nite, not knowing what would happen to him. Would I get that devastating phone call from the vet? The next morning came and I didn't hear anything, I called the vet up, and they said that overnite it was like a miracle, he pulled through, he did a complete 360, I really believed it was a miracle. They told me that his left leg though was paralyzed and eventually he could get it working again. For a while he would limp on his leg and then one day he just started walking on it, and its like nothing ever happened. But, even when his one leg wasn't working well, that didn't stop him from doing what he wanted to do or playing, he lived his life as nothing was wrong. You could never tell that he was sick, he was always so happy and playful. I really believed God gave me another chance with him, and I babied him from that day on, he was my little son, and I wasn't goin to let anything get in the way of me showing him how much I cared. I would rock him in my arms like he was a baby, some people couldn't believe how I acted with my cat, but for all the pet owners out there ,that love their animal as much as I loved Whiskers, they can def. relate to me.
He would wait for me by the door or20window when I used to come home, and he would follow me everywhere, he was my best friend, he was there for me all the time, I couldn't have asked for a better kitty. He will be greatly missed every day of my life. The memories I have of him though, I will hold very close, and I know one day me and him will be reunited again. HE will be there for me waiting, and I will scoop him up and cradle him once again, cause he will always be my baby boy!
Even now, he is gone but I still feel him around me, I feel him going and rubbing up against my leg, I feel him watching me, and giving me the strength to go on. I see him on my bed on his back waiting for his tummy to be rubbed, I see him sitting in my recliner by my laptop, looking at me as I walk in the room, he died in my room, and I saw him take his last breaths, I want him to know that I was there , and I am glad that God took him so quickly, I would not want him to suffer. As much as it pains me to not have him here anymore, I wouldn't want to be selfish, and for him to be here and be sick. It happened so suddenly , I was not prepared at all for this, but he will get me thru this. All my happy memories of him, will get me through all of the pain I am feeling now, I will never forget him, but I feel he will come back to me one day, may not be now , but one day I will find him again.
Everything happens for a reason, and there will be good that comes out of this, I will find my way again. Right now I feel as if I cant go on, but I know that Whiskers would want me to be happy, and I would want the same for him, he will always be in my heart, and I will carry the love he gave me around with me now and forever! God had sent Whiskers to me, I believe to show me that animals can give as much ,if not more love to us, like human beings. He could've been taken away from me years ago, but God gave me more time with him, and then finally he said I need my angel cat with me now, and he called upon him.
I am just happy that Whiskers last moments were happy ones, and he felt the love from me, and I felt the same back from him, I will carry that with me always. The vet said there is nothing we could of done to prevent Whiskers death, sometimes this disease just creeps up on them and they are happy and healt hy one day, and the next they just end up dying. I will never forget that moment, when they had told me he passed, in my heart I already knew he was gone though, but I just couldn't accept it, day by day Im accepting it a little more, and know there was nothing I could of done to prevent it, but as a mother you always want to protect your children, and that's how I felt with him. I felt so helpless that nite, but I want him to know I never left his side, I was there as he took his last breath.
Whiskers,I want you to know I loved you soo much, and I really believe in my heart that you do know how much I did care for you, you were my protector!
When my kids got out of hand, he would swat them with his paw as they passed by, it was really all soo cute and funny! I carried a picture of him in my wallet and I would tell people this is my husband LOL. I believe everyone we have come in contact with now , was with us in our past life, so you don't know he could have been my spouse in a past life, or my child, but I know one day we20will be reunited again. He was always there for me thru everything, I really couldn't ask for more, and life is soo short, you need to live your days, as if you aren't promised tomorrow, cause we really just don't know , when we are goin to be called HOME to God. We need to take nothing for granted, and make sure we don't have any regrets!
I feel at peace, that I gave my Whiskers a piece of my heart, and when he died he took that with him, he took that love I showed him, and is at peace with my love. My heart is breaking for him right now, but little by little I know it will heal. Grieving is all part of life, and we all need to do it, it will make us feel better at the end. Even, if we think it isn't helping us now, one day we will think back, and know it did help to get us thru the most devastating moments of our life!
He may not be here in the physical sense, but he sure is with me in the spiritual sense, I love him now and forever! God rest your soul, my handsome , handsome boy. We all will miss you and we love you! RIP Whiskers 02/18/09!