Cheyanne's Fight For Life
by Suzanne Schultz.........................................
Cheyanne is our 3 year old rottie mix. She looks just like a full blood rottie. We got her at the flea market where we work. She was just 6 weeks old at the time. She came into our life when we needed her the most. We had just lost all we had to Katrina. We were starting over just my husband and me and our other 2 little dogs. Cheyanne brought so much needed joy. She grew fast and soon showed us her true calling was to be a bush remover. If you had a bush in the way just call Cheyanne and she would grab it and pull until it came up. Then run around the yard with it in her mouth to show off what she had just done. She was the first one to welcome the little stray that would become her best friend.
Then the other day we began to notice Cheyanne looked like she was not feeling good. She wanted to be in a room by herself. She had never wanted to be by herself. She stopped playing with her toys. She no longer wanted to eat. When she went outside she seemed to be confused about where she was. Her breathing seemed to be labored. When she walked her legs seemed to shake. My husband took her to the vets where she was given 2 shots and some meds to bring home. We were told she had ate something out of the trash. Now the only way we can get water in her is to force it. She will eat only maybe one or two bites of chichen. She no longer wantes her suggies from me. She just lays there with those big brown eyes looking at you. Pleading with you to help her. I placed my rosary on her today and asked God to keep her in his care. We are not ready to let her go. If she is not better by Monday we will be back at the vets.
The reason I am wrighting this is because I know the power of prayer and what it can do. I am asking that all that read this to pray for Cheyanne. If you have ever watched a beloved pet die then you know the pain we are in. So please to night think of a little rottie who is way to young to die, and say a prayer for her. May God keep you all in his care.

Suzanne & Carl and doggie sisters Kayla, Bump and Holly Girl.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Suzanne Schultz
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