by Suzanne schultz.........................................
I met Emily for the first time on Thanksgiving day. We were at my brother in law David's house. I was standing in the kitchen when David came walking through carring a little grey poodle. I had lost my little grey poodle CoCo at the age of 17 in 2005. I made a mad dash to grab Emily because she looked so much like CoCo. David stopped me. He told me Emily had been so abused before they got her that she would bite me. I looked at her and wondered how anyone could ever think of hurting her. She is beautiful. David put her in the back room so she could not bite anyone. I told Carl my husband about her when he came in the house and he wanted to see her. David brought her out and Carl wanted to hold her. Emily would have none of it. She growled and showed her teeth. She was ready to attack. I asked David where they got her. He told me that his daughter worked for a vets office and that Emily had been brought in to be put down. The animal shelter had taken her away from her family because of abuse. She had been so abused that she would bite anyone she felt would hurt her. She could not be put up for addopition because of her fear. Davids daughter took her and gave her to them to keep. Emily is 5 years old, she has been with my brother and sister in law since May. She still can not trust. She may never over come what what people did to her. I wanted to hold her so bad and tell her that not all people are mean. I wish I could give her what should never have been taken away from her.TRUST. I hope with her new family she can someday learn to be the happy little grey ball of fur my CoCo was. He too came from a shelter. But he had never been abused. His owner had died. CoCo only knew love. I know if he could talk to Emily he would say. "Humanes are not such a bad thing. Sure they get on your nerves by makeing you wear bows in your fur or some ugly outfit. But if you play your cards right, they will give you good stuff to eat and a complete body rub. They may even look the other when you leave your calling card on the rug. I do not recomend this though to often. After the first time or two they may make you sit and listen while they give that 3 hour talk about how they do not enjoy getting up in the middle of the night and stepping in something warm and mushy in their bare feet. If this happens just look sad and pitiful, it works every time." I hope for Christmas Emily will finally come to realize that she is safe. I pray that she has a long and happy life. I also pray that CoCo is having a blast helping Jesus decorate the bridge.
So to all the unwanted or abused animals this christmas I pray that they find safe harbor. The little stray we took in 2 christmas ago [Holly Girl] lets us know every day how thankful she is. May the light from Heavens floor shine on all of us this Christmas Season.