by Suzanne Schultz.........................................
I have had several encounters with the supernatural so when Kayla died I was not surprised to see her spirit.
Kayla was my 15 year old chia mix who died on August 5, 2009. Because of her health I made the hard choice to have her put to sleep. Before she died I had to put her in her crate at night because she had seizures and I did not want her to fall of the bed at night if she had one and hurt herself. There were times she hated it and it took all I had to get her in it. Then there were the times she would go and get in it and I would look everywhere for her while she played hide and seek in it. She would always hit the door with her little paw when she needed to get out for a potty break or just wanted out. This made a certain sound and would wake me up. Her crate is still in my bedroom and almost every night I hear that sound. Sometimes it is low and then there are other times it is quite loud.
Kayla lived for food. That was her one true passion. Her teeth were so bad that I made her soft food. She would go stand in her bowl and lick the floor until I fed her. She never seemed to get enough, not even when she gained up to 15 pounds. Two days after she died I was getting ready for bed and had called our other little dog Bump to go get in the bed. My husband was watching tv in the living room, and saw Kayla walk across the room toward the kitchen where her food bowl was. Haveing forgot for a moment that Kayla had passed away he called me to come get her. But before he could finish calling me Kayla vanished.
Kayla had a certain path she went down every time she went outside. Infact she had went that way so much she had wore down the grass. About 2 weeks ago I was outside checking the water meter. I had knelt down on the ground and was talking to my husband on the phone, when I felt a gentle nudge in the lower part of my back. Thinking Bump must have gotten outside I went to push her away and found nothing there. It was not untill I stood up that I realized I had been knealing in the middle of Kayla's path. Kayla use to come up behind me and sit and pop me when there was bad weather or to just love on me.
I hope Kayla will keep comeing to visit me. She was my heart and soul and I miss her deeply.
So if you catch a shadow out of the corner of your eye then it just might be your furbaby comeing to visit. I know there are alot of people who will think I need to check myself into the funny farm. If seeing Kayla makes me a hamburger and fry short of a happy meal then so be it. I would not want it any other way.