by Suzanne Schultz.........................................
The storm clouds gather off in the distance. You can feel it's gentle winds start to blow. It is juat a matter of time before the storm reaches you. You try to pretend it is not there. You wish it away. You beg God to let it pass over you. With every second the storm gets closer. The winds now are more strong, time is running out. You watch the lighting flash. You drop to the ground and beg for it to go away. The storm hits with the force of a hurricane. You try to hold on to your furbaby, but you are losing your grip. You hold her tight in your arms. You tell her you love her. You tell her you will never forget her. You close your eyes and kiss her goodbye. You scream into the wind but no one hears you. Slowly the storm moves on leaving you with empty arms and an empty heart. The clouds still hang around, the sun hides behind them. You feel cold inside. You are torn apart by regret. You miss your furbaby. You wonder why you did not try harder to save her. Slowly the clouds fade and a rainbow appears. You are finally able to see the good did for her. You smile even laugh when you think of her in days gone by. You know she is at peace and that you too will find peace in the days ahead. There will still be tears but not as many. You find comfort in knowing that she is not lost to you forever but that you will be with her again someday.
Kayla was my 15 year old long hair chia mix and my heart. Near the end of her life she developed lung and heart trouble and went deaf. She had seizures and her teeth were a mess. Kayla got sick on August the 3rd with seizures and her teeth absessed. The absess was so bad it went down her throat and into her stomach. I made the hard choice to let her go rather that put her through hell trying to get meds down her. Besides I would only have been putting of what I knew was comeing. She died on August 5th 2009, but in my heart she will live forever.