I miss you so much, Sylvie. I miss your soft little body curled up on the steps asking to come see us and I am so sorry we had to move in with dogs and that I made us lose so much snuggle time because of that.
I miss being able to feel your soft fur under my hand. I miss you putting your paws on my shoulder and pulling so tight and rubbing my face with yours until my cheek smelled like your breath and the tip of my nose was wet.
Yesterday was the first crispy Fall morning without you and the first morning I needed my robe at the computer but it took me a long time to put it on knowing how you loved to curl up in that robe and how you would have hopped right onto my lap and settled in. I couldn't bear to put it on knowing you weren't here to do that any more.
I wanted so many more years with you. We got to have 10 1/2 years together but it wasn't enough. It just wasn't enough with you. I wanted to keep you forever. You were my friend and I miss you so much. I love you.