by Tamie Oskolkoff.........................................
I was born in Berkley, Ca. December 30, 2001. I was born with a birth defect and the rut of the liter. I had the best 1st Momma, her name was Debra and she held me and protected me from the other pups.
until my real Mommy Tamie and Daddy Yasha came to get me all the way from Alaska. They already had two chowdren, Fannie, a retired blue, she didnt want to play with me, she was 6 years old, then there was
Canton Tawnie Dawn, she liked me right away, her birthday is July 14, 2001. I had the neatest ride home, on a big jet and my Mommy held me and let all the flight attendants hold me too, I felt really special.
There was lots of snow in Anchorage in Feb when I got home, I was so small my Mommy didnt think I could go out the doggie door, I fooled her, the girls went out and I was right behind them, I loved my new home from the time I arrived. Mommy was fun she would get all excited when I would pull the rugs out of the bathroom, walk in the swim in the water dish, bite on her toes when she tried to walk,,,oh you should have heard her squeal.
Life was good on Pooh corner in Fannie land,,,there were a couple of fights with the girls, I knew better than to get involved, Mommy held me back when I tried to pull Tawnie by the tail to get her away when they were fighting,,,girls can really be nasty,
I crawled under Mommy's bed when I was little, I picked that place to sleep, that was my special spot,,,when I was upset or ready to go to bed I would go under the bed, then my Daddy had to build special legs for the bed cause I was getting big, Mommy got a step stool to get into bed cause she wanted me to be happy and have my place, I have the best Mommy. And you know, I loved toys, especially the ones that talked,,,Mommy got me an elmo and "talkie" toys, I had a whole basket in the hall with my toys,,Tawnie would steal them and take them outside, sometimes they would freeze and talk funny, I would take them away from her if I caught her, she always wanted me to go out and chase her in the backyard,,,we would run and run, we had a wonderful feenced yard,,I talked to Mommy and Daddy too,,,sometimes Mom would tell me to stop talking, especially in the car, if i saw a bird or a moose I would let her know, guess she thought the moose might get upset and come after us,,,we had moose around the house too, I would let her know but I wouldnt bark at them, they were too big near our fence. I followed my Mommy everwhere, I would watch for her to come home and sit on her feet when she would sit down, We got up early in the moring when Tawnie and Daddy were still asleep, I would let her know when the paper came and when she wasnt working, I went everywhere with my Mommy and Daddy,
Mommy I love you and miss you too Denali Jack