My little girl
by Teresa Ingersoll.........................................
I found my little girl, Mocha at a Round table pizza. They told me she was a stray cat and hung around there for food. My mom and I went there to eat and when we got out of the car, there she was. I was looking to adopt a cat at the time. Mocha walked up to me meowing as if to say, "take me home". I decided that if she was still there when we were done eating then I would take her home. 2 hours later I walked out looking everywhere for her but I didn't see her. I was disapointed she was gone. Suddenly, there she was right in front of me. I knew she was meant for me. I took her home and spoiled and loved her. I had her for about 14 years when she passed. I called her Mocha, Miss it, Princess, Super lady, and Little lady. My husband said she was so spoiled and that she thinks she's "Miss it" (she did have that queen diva attitude). Since then Miss it was one of her nicknames. I had to put her to sleep because she was losing her eyesight, had kidney failure, and high blood pressure. I knew she wasn't feeling good. I held her, kissing her, telling her how much I was sorry, and telling her how much I love her as she was being put to sleep. It was the HARDEST decision I ever had to make!!!!! I will always LOVE and Miss my little girl!! My heart aches so much!!! I can only hope that her brothers and sisters that went before her were there to greet her. I still and always will LOVE and MISS ALL my fur babies!! No matter how many years go by!! I still think, love, and miss my fur babies from over 20 years ago!! I NEVER forget them!!! My heart has been torn apart so many times!! But, to have them in my life was worth it!!!!! I still have three other babies left to spoil, Kiko (my male black cat), Nina Marie, and Nala Mary (Nina and Nala are siamese and sisters) I had Kiko, Nina, and Nala since they were 4 weeks old. Kiko is now 5 years old, Nina and Nala are now almost 2 years old. I know my time is limited with them so I will spoil them always!!!!! I pray that they will be with me for a long time!!!!!!! Mocha and her brothers and sisters that went before her will FOREVER be MISSED and LOVED!!!!!!!
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