"Dear Jesse, what a treasure, what a gift you have been,
From our all-knowing God above, who must of seen,
That twelve and a half years ago when you came into my life,
I needed a companion to help me through my struggles and strife.
And there you were, just a pup, with needs and challenges of your own,
Yet never a day passed, that you let your pain or difficulties be known.
You woke each morning with a steady wag of your stocky tail,
Braving years of limps and lumps, without a whimper or wail.
Those beautiful deep orbs, that looked to me, as if I could do no wrong,
Those wet kisses quickly delivered, forgiving me, of any err done.
And oh! Your silly habits could always turn a frown into a smile
Making it impossible to stay mad at you for any good while!
Above and through all, your stoic persistence and gentle nature prevailed,
Your unconditional loyalty, and love to all living things, you readily availed.
Oh Jesse, each day that you lived determinedly, by my side,
You inspired me to overcome challenges of my own, I denied!
My heart aches! For we needed each other, you and I -
But now your job is done, we must sadly say goodbye."
My cheek brushed against her soft whiskers, laying together.
Oh, how I wanted that precious moment to last forever!
As I enveloped her in my arms, my whispers coaxed her to sleep,
The medicine was given, washing over her features as gentle relief.
And even today, I do not recall how long after by her side, I remained,
Only her life, and her love, the joy and the heartbreak, I have sustained.
"Dear Lord, though tears I will shed, please help nurture my grief,
For through my faith and Your promise, and my earnest belief,
My Jesse now roams free, runs and tussles without pain,
A healthy young pup once more, an eternity without strain.
And so, I thank You, Heavenly Father, for sending this gentle creature to me,
And I thank You, for the strength and guidance needed, to return her to Thee."