by Tessa Jackson
How do I say goodbye?
How do I let you die
Who mean so much to me?
How do I live withoout you?
My life has been about you
Who mean the world to me.
Over the passing years
We shared laughter and tears
And you were there for me.
You are my precious friends
Whose love can never end.
Though I no longer see
The love-light in your eyes.
How do I say goodbye?
But I must set you free
From an unknown fate
Which you would have met
Without me.
It is the last thing I can do -
Give your freedom back to you -
Set your spirits free.
It will tear my soul apart -
Mean the breaking of my heart -
But it must be.
I will bear the pain for you
With my love. And I will spare you
Pain you`ld feel without me.
No abandonment to prison cage
Where you might pine slowly away
Unloved by me.
Or suffer cruel death at the hand
Of Pest Control who do not understand
The beauty I have seen
In the love-light of my pigeons` eyes.
It is so very hard to say goodbye -
To set my loved ones free.
Tessa 02.12.15