by Tina Isaacs
Tears run thru your rainbow
For a chance to see your eyes
The veil is so thin
Where are u my divine
For my love is still inside me
Growing thicker with time
You cherished me with blessings
How did I not know?
You were that kind
There's no emptiness inside me
So full of love I weep
My memories are scattered
The memories so deep
The end was not my story
Not my story to tell
There was another plan
For a good girl done so well
And never will I ever, drop one bit of love
For the one who did nothing -
Nothing, but love
And now you are leaping with joy I cannot see
You are the girl I am weeping for
the girl I always believed
The one we all adored,
My sweet Abigail Heal and be restored,
We will meet again, Just right behind the door.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Tina Isaacs
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