by Tina Isaacs
Tears run thru your rainbow
For a chance to see your eyes
The veil is so thin
Where are u my divine
For my love is still inside me
Growing thicker with time
You cherished me with blessings
How did I not know?
You were that kind
There's no emptiness inside me
So full of love I weep
My memories are scattered
The memories so deep
The end was not my story
Not my story to tell
There was another plan
For a good girl done so well
And never will I ever, drop one bit of love
For the one who did nothing -
Nothing, but love
And now you are leaping with joy I cannot see
You are the girl I am weeping for
the girl I always believed
The one we all adored,
My sweet Abigail Heal and be restored,
We will meet again, Just right behind the door.