by Tina Towe.........................................
I want to tell everyone Marilyns story. I got her when she was only 2 days old her momma was throwing off toxins in her milk and was killing the babies so they had to be taken off the momma. So they called me to come pick up my baby. Well i bottle fed her and she became the most beautiful puppy i had ever seen. She was so attached to me. At about 6 months old i let her out to go potty and she made her way into the field right beide us and next thing we know she is screaming her head off when i get to her a horse had stomped her so we load her up and take her to the vet. The surgery she requires may kill her if they put her to sleep. See Marilyn is a Shitzu/peekingneese mix and she had a very short nose. Anyway i asked the vet if we dont do the surgery what would happen he said nothing she will just have a limp. ok so here i have a decision to make either do the surgery and she may lose her life or let her have a limp. Sorry but i took the limp i loved my baby and didnt want to lose her. Ok so thats all fine 2 years goes by and she hasnt had any puppies. well lord and behold she gets prgenant and has 3 of the most beautiful puppies. She was a great mom i was so scared she wouldnt be because as far as she knew i was her mom when she first opened her eyes it was me she saw. Anyway i found good loving homes for all 3 of those puppies. So 5 more years goes by and shes still the best dog ever. Well we found us a new house to move to and i got to noticing she wasnt eating like she usually does and came into what we thought was heat we never spayed her because only that one time she was around another male so we never worried about her getting pregnant. Boy did i have a shock coming. Marilyn(meme for short) after coming into heat stated throwing up everything got to where she couldnt move or anything well i got her some pedialite and all of a sudden she got better then it all went bad again. she wouldnt eat was thirsty as i have never seen her and then got to where she was so weak so i said thats it we took her to the vet on September 26th 2011 and he told us that she had Pyometra an infection of her uterus and unless we out her in the hospital right then and started her on anitbiotics and iv fluids she wouldnt make it one day. Then he proceeds to tell us that he needs 600 on top of the 217 that was for todays payment to make her well and then there wasnt a gurantee she would make it then. He would not take any kind of payment arrangement and i didnt have that kind of money so i had to bring her home to die. I had some antibiotics from a while back so i gave those to her and i got that milk formula i raised her on and then proceeded to force her to eat by using a medicine dropper opening her mouth and dropping it in and she would drink it she was throwing most of it up so i backed it down to 1 medicine dropper full at a time and she kept it down. Well my baby lasted a week. she perked up and everything i got my hopes up thinking she was getting better but had a nagging feeling she wouldnt well that nagging feeling was right. On monday october 3rd 2011 she got to where she couldnt hardly breathe so i would hold her up where she could get some air. She waited till 9:36 p.m. and took her last breath and her heart stopped beating. All i could do was cry. Well today is October 5 2011. We weighed our options yesterday and finally buried her. i was gonna have her cremated that way she would always be with me we dont own this house so i didnt want to bury her here.. So we found a friend that loves animals as much as we do they own their house and told us we could visit her anytime so we laid her to rest there. im fixing her a cross to put on her grave now. You know if i had known about the disease called pyometra i wouldve had her fixed but ive never heard of it until now. ive always heard fix your pet to cut down on the pet population but not once have i heard spay your pet it will save her life so now anyone and everyone i run into i tell them about this disease and how deadly it is and beg them to please fix thier pets its not something any other beloved baby needs to go through again. Thanks for making this site i love it.