The next morning I rubbed her face and we were inseparable ever since. I was her Mommy and she was my BABY! I let her out of the crate and she owned the house. Chance & Zoey hated her and hissed at her and hid for 2 days, but Booda didn't care, she loved Mommy and Mommy loved her, and she just ignored any confrontations. They all got used to each other in a couple of days. Chance still never likes anyone but Booda and Zoey played together a lot. Stone and Booda were buddies. It is very ironic they are both the youngest and the ones to go first.
I loved when I threw acorns across the lawn or the deck and she would chase after them and look at me for the next one. She also broght me chipmunks, which there were several of through the years. She never ever killed on though.
Booda loved milk and every time I took the gallon out of the fridge, she would come on the counter and cry at me with her special little cry.
She loved food of all kinds; no matter what Mommy was eating, she would either be in the seat of the chair at the table, and I would sneak her some or she would come sit on my lap while I ate and see if she wanted any. She liked olives, yogurt, ice cream, hamburger, the cream in the cupcakes, the inside of cinnamon donuts, turkey and chicken.
She loved to play with her furry little toy mice.
She loved to sit on my lap every morning and have her snackies.
She loved to sleep with Mom, right between my legs.
She loved to sleep by the woodstove, she loved heat.
No matter where I was she would follow...upstairs, downstairs, or in the computer room.
She loved to sit on the printer and look out the window and chatter at the birds.
Booda always licked my hand when she was sitting on me. She didn't hesitate to show me she loved me at all.
She did what I called the "Dibby Dance" like no other cat I have ever seen. She would back up something and move her back legs back and forth and wiggle her tail, it was the cutest thing. She did that when she was happy! Which was frequently.
She had beautiful green eyes (I called her my little peridot eyes) and she had loong white whiskers that measured 6 inches. She was very vocal and had a very unique cry. She had beautiful white paws, and on her back leg she had a marking the shape of a sword. She had a fat little belly that fit right in my hand when I held her...and she loved to be held. She was my beautiful little girl and she loved me to rub her whiskers. She had the cutest white moustache that said, GOT MILK. When she ate her mouth did this quirky cute little pucker that words cannot explain. She had a black speck in her ear I always thought was a flea.
Her nicknames were many...Rubby Girl, Darla, Starla, Baby Girl, Tip Nip, Chip Nip, Chippy or Chipper, Snipper.
We had a special connection or bond that is found very seldom in life...we were soul mates.
She followed me around the yard like a puppy. She loved to eat grass.
I loved the way she sat in my chair when I wasn't there, and would rush to greet me when I got home.
I really hate the fact that now she is only a memory, yes, I will cherish her memory but I cannot hold a memory, the memory cannot sleep with me and lick my hand.
As sad as it is to see her go I am glad I was with her when she went to heaven. At least she knew I loved her and was trying to help her, and I got to say good-bye to her.
I will miss her dearly and there is a BIG whole in my broken heart that will never heal.
Suffer no more my little one...I cannot wait to go to heaven to meet you there.
Gone but never forgotten. My heart will always ache for you.
I will always be with you in spirit! I guess God needed you more than I did.
Miss you, love you forever.