My Kavi Boy
by Toni .........................................
For my Kavi boy I will miss all of your antics. I will miss you begging for food and eating whatever we gave you, the veggies, the fruits and even the chili peppers. I will miss you stealing our mail and then chewing it to bits. I will miss you stealing all of your Papa's kleenex tissue and making a nest or sometimes just eating it, whatever tickled your fancy. I will miss my everyday greetings when coming home just to have you turn around and wrap your paws around my leg and trip me. I will miss all your zaniness with your brothers running about, even when you felt the need to simply run over us or whoever was in your path. I will miss you keeping my feet so warm at night and never moving even if I moved you around. I will miss your requests to turn the faucet on in the sink and put water everywhere. But most of all, I will miss every part of you my boy. It's going to be a rough ride without you but I did what I thought was best so you would leave us with dignity and no suffering. Please be happy and pain free and wait for the rest of us at the Rainbow Bridge.
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