by Tonya Hart.........................................
Well this story is about a little dog who meant the world to me. I received Slinky about 7 years ago. My friend took her away from this man who he left out on a concrete pad with no water and a two foot chain. She is a little mini dachshund that didn't need to be outside in the hot summer with no water. So my friend took her. We search for a home for her. I already had a dog but I decided that I wanted her. My husband didn't want me to bring her home. So I didn't talk to him for a whole day. He finally said ok. When I brought Slinky home it was like love at first sight. They had given her the name Weinie. I didn't like it, it didn't suit her. We sat there and watched her and I started laughing because her back legs looked like they were trying to catch up to her front ones. My husband said she looked like the Slinky dog from Toy Story and that is how she got her name. Well after that she became my best friend. We were so close that my children thought that I loved her more than them. She was always with me. I work midnight's and my husband worked days. She slepted in the living room during the night's when I worked and when I was home she was with me. I couldn't fall asleep unless she was beside me. We were like this for years. My world crashed about a week after Thanksgiving. I noticed that she was breathing a little heavy. It was a Saturday and the only vets office that was opened was far away. So I took her to the bedroom with a cool fan on hoping if she relaxed she would breath better. We layed there for a while. She gave me kisses and I had no idea she was about to leave me. About a hour later I think she might have had a heart attack and then she was gone. Well I lost it. I even scared my husband. We buried her in the back yard where I could keep her close. I went into a deep depression. I started looking for a dog that looked like her so I could get her back. I know that sounds crazy but I was desparate. I couldn't stop crying. To make matters worse about three days after she passed away I was on my way home from work (and yes I was crying) my 18ft. steel wall pool was ripped in half by the awful winds we were having the night and the water tore away three panels of my new neighbors (that I have not yet met) fencing. So I had to go over to talked to them about it looking like I did. Her father was able to come over and put the panels back up so you couldn't tell that it ever happened. Praise the Lord! So by Christmas I was in full blown depression. I went on the internet to see if I could find a dog that looked like Slinky and I found this 7 week old long haired black and tan dachshund that made me smile. The lady had just listed these puppies 1 hour before I found them. I called her and told her I was interested in the girl. A day after Christmas we went to their house and this little girl just made my heart happy. We named her Weezie. She is so different from Slinky but yet does some thing that Slinky did. I know that she is not Slinky and never will be but I had such a huge void in my life that I needed this little dog to come in and save me. People don't realize how much of a impact that these guys bring into our lives. They help to make you feel better, feel loved, and feel that someone really does care about you. I have a wonderful family that I really love but with my animals I feel a connection. With Slinky I had a relationship that I don't know if I can ever get again. She was truly a very special little dog and I will treasure all the memories that I have of her. With Weezie I hoping to have the same kind of relationship plus more. So everyone love your animals and if they get sick take them to the vet. I wish that there was a vet closer to me that was opened that night. Thank you for opening this web site for me to tell my story.