Sugar and Spice
by Toshia Hamrick.........................................
A heavy grave and an empty heart
I stand alone waiting for the skies to part
The sun to come out and warm up my skin
But there's that feeling, I'm dreaming again

My heart cries out, it can not be still
My tears stream down like rain on a sill
I've lost my love, I've lost my way
I feel so lonely and afraid

My heart has a warm place inside
I'll surely go there to hide
Waiting on the couch with a blanket on my lap
So you can saunter on in and curl up for a nap

I know you wouldn't go anywhere you couldn't handle
I tend to think of you when I see a scented orange candle
I hope you're at home, wandering around
I hope you're at home, safe and sound

I miss you like crazy, and I truly believe
That I'll see your ghost, come this Christmas Eve
Please recognize me as I will you
And when I raise my arms, that'll be your cue

To let me know it was alright
That we did a good thing, so you could stop your fight
I'll never agree it was right but possibly for the best
I understand you were in great pain and now finally, at rest

I cry every week and I tend to have dreams
Where you're in my arms and everything's fine, it seems
At this, I can not always stay silent and it's hard to be brave
Still, I would gladly be the one in that tiny little grave

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Toshia Hamrick
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