by Tracy .........................................
On March 18th, 1999 the best most beautiful Maine Coon kitten was born. I first saw him when he was only 2 weeks old, could barely walk and his eyes still sealed closed. I said I would be back in 6 weeks to pick him up.
My life changed forever on May 21st, 1999 when I brought my gorgeous kitten home. I eagerly waited for that day which seemed like an eternity. But when I saw him waiting for me inside his cage, big ears and all, I knew he and I were meant to be forever.
My little kitten remained nameless for nearly 2 weeks because I couldn't find the right name to fit his personality. I watched him play friskily with everything he could find no matter how high up it was. When he would jump down he never landed on all 4 feet and he fell A LOT! Then the name popped into my head that was so befitting...Sir Isaac Newton! He who discovered gravity! The rest was history!
Isaac was always right there at mama's side no matter what. He endured moving twice in his life, which is very stressful on anyone. He was finally given a little sister when he was about 2 because he was so lonely everyday when mama went to work. They formed a bond so tight. Who knew he would have taken to another cat so well. They played, cuddled and even groomed each other daily. Best friends forever they will now be.
After my 2nd move, my life began to fall apart over personal reasons. But Isaac was always there for his mama no matter how depressed she was and how much she cried tears atop of his head. He snuggled up to mama wherever he could, even as far as lying around her neck like a mink!
Then in 2007 fate would play a role to bring back to me the love of my life. He was welcomed into our furry family right way. Daddy was accepted into his life and now Isaac had a complete and fulfilling life full of family who loved and adored him. Spoiled rotten to the core and yet still loved by anyone who ever met him (cat lover or not). Even my brother liked him and he is not a cat person!
True to his form, he was there for mama once again when her life was forever changed due to the sudden death of her mother to cancer. He never faulted to give love whenever he could. It was unconditional.
Then in the spring of 2011, he developed a nasal condition. Through multiple vet visits, no one could determine what was causing his "snoring." It finally became so bad that he could not breathe through his nose and was breathing through his mouth. After an appointment with a vet specialist, he underwent a nasal endoscopy on September 1st 2011 to see what the obstruction was. The worst thing they could have told me...diagnosis was nasal lymphoma. Devastated at this I didn't know what to do. Soon after his nose began to develop discharge followed by bleeding. We knew we needed to do something immediately. My husband told me, "we will do whatever it takes to get him well, don't you worry!" Isaac was always there for his mama now it was mama's turn to be there for him.
After consulting with the oncologist at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services it was decided to go ahead with traditional chemotherapy. We were told this won't cure the disease but will hopefully give him better quality of life and maybe by some miracle it would go into remission at least for a few years. Isaac began therapy and within 10 days his nasal issues were completely resolved! We couldn't be happier! The vet was very pleased and optimistic of overall results. He endured 12 weeks of chemo with little side effects at all. We were so happy because he didn't seem sick at all. The staff at OVRS had come to know him so well and they all loved to see him when he came in for his treatment. Mama diligently stood by him each week as he was given his therapy.
Suddenly 2 weeks before Christmas, his health began to take a turn in the wrong direction. His appetite began to diminish quickly. His vet said it appeared to have spread to his intestinal tract. When he quit eating altogether, he was hospitalized in hopes he would regain some appetite. After 2 days, and absolutely no change in his condition, we opted to bring him home where he would be more comfortable. We began a sort of "kitty hospice" care for him. With the holiday weekend quickly approaching, we were distressed as to what to do and what would be best for him.
With the heaviest heart, I made the most difficult decision of my life. We would let him join his grandma in eternal life. However very mysteriously but miraculously the next night he showed interest in food and water again. We postponed our plans and decided to see how he would do day by day. As luck would have it, he began eating more often and started acting like himself again even as far as greeting us at the door when we came home from work. I truly thought we had been blessed with a miracle for the holidays.
Isaac did so well through them then suddenly on Friday January 6th he began vomiting repeatedly. This brought him down so quickly within 24hrs he barely would walk and occasionally would cry. We had decided to call the mobile vet in the morning. By Sunday evening he hadn't moved from his kitty bed at all, not even to use his litter box. Mama stayed with him all through out the nights over this weekend so he wouldn't feel alone.
Sunday January 8th, 2012 will be forever one of the worst days of my life. Making sure not to cause him anymore unnecessary stress, the visiting veterinarian would come to our home to give him peace forever. This way, in the comfort of his home he would simply fall asleep forever in his warm kitty bed, being cradled by the comforting arms of his mama and be surrounded by his family that loved him so much. As he drifted off I cried horribly and yet realized then how lucky of a kitty mama I was to be blessed with such a beautiful and loving creature.
A private cremation service at Faithful Companion was performed that evening. He would return home to his mama and family the next day....pain free forever. Now as mama mourns and cries daily over loosing her beautiful baby boy she must hold comfort because she knows one day she will see him (and her own mama) again. One day, we will meet again. He will meet his The Rainbow Bridge.
Sir Isaac Newton Skarritt
a.k.a. "Bubby"
March 18, 1999-January 8th, 2012
"The bestest most beautiful kitty baby in the whole wide world"