What I wouldn't give
by Tracy Quintero.........................................
Gucci....what I wouldn't give to have you right now, looking at me ready for food, what I wouldn't give to have you pull my hair every morning waking me up. What I woudln't give to have you just look at me. You are and always will be the love of my life. There has never been another person or soul that has touched me and made me feel loved the way you do. I would give anything to clean up you poo poo, your fur everywhere. You are safe baby girl, I know you wonder where I am, I need to stay with daddy for a little bit, but I will be there for you I promise. What I wouldn't give to have you scream at me for being at the store too long. I would give the world to have you back. Please know that I love you and you are my baby girl and you are strong so please be strong for Mommy.
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