Broken Heart
by Tully's mom
I had to let my dear dog Tully go on Oct. 14, 2017. She was 14 years old. I have had many dogs before her but the pain of losing Tully has ripped me apart in a way I've never known. I hate coming home and her not being there to greet me. I hate not having her there to take for a walk. I hate not having her beg for attention. I hate knowing I'll never pet her soft head or hear her bark ever again. I don;t know how to get past the sorrow. Looking at pictures of her makes me cry. I second guess having to put her to sleep. Was it too soon? Should I have done more to see if she would respond to more treatments? It's eating away at me. I don't know how to move past the guilt. How do I reconcile this? I don't think I will ever be able to forgive myself.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Tully's mom
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