You're not gone yet
by Unknown .........................................
I love you with all my heart
We had instant friendship, from the start
Your oh so old
But still, You never,ever scold
You may be a dog
But days with you, all these 9 years you haven't made my day a fog
But when your time comes, I will accept
You will go to the Rainbow Bridge I will not fret
Still with me you still are
But the Rainbow Bridge isn't far
I'm afraid that you will leave me
But I know days with you I will see
So I will appreciate you while you're here
But I know, I must not fear

To My Dog, Tiki
When you go I will still love you. You sleep with me every night. I much appreciate that. You keep me warm and safe, though you are small. Just a Lhasa Apso in fact. But you're not gone yet. So I will enjoy you while I can. You're my little boy. And always will be. So Tiki, when you leave just know I will still love you. You have been sick before, and I thought, what will I do without you? I have wept thinking that you will leave someday. But I will think positive. Because I still have you.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Unknown
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