No more pain and fighting
by Wilbur
No more pain and fighting
You were the sweetest from puppy to always

You loved the cabin activities especially
being a Chippie hunter and serial killer
You loved when the neighbor dogs visited
You didn't mind baths
You tolerated wearing hoodies and antlers

You loved your buddy Piper and when you came you healed her broken heart when she lost Jeddy boy. Piper took care of you because she loves you....She is going to be broken hearted missing you so much and we will help her through it

You were Harrison's first best friend and he loves you too, Alex is sad for you and for Harrison, she loved you!!! They know you loved them Super Duper Big BIG
You loved your human Dad and he was sad for you...He thought you were a good hunter but wish you weren't afraid of a gun blast. He loved you "Bye Buddy"

You were my best companion, so sweet and patient and easy, my heart gave up a piece today as the kindest gift I could give you, you were in for the fight and not giving up. I knew as soon as you fully relaxed it was the right decision You were such a trooper never complaining or showing suffering...That was your gift to me ��
It was my full pleasure being your human mom
You will be remembered often with stories that eventually will ease the pain.
You were my "Woobie Boy" thank you for allowing me the time and love you so easily gave my heart is really sad today������
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Wilbur
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