by Yvonne Woytus.........................................
Another name for Shakana aka trainwreck. If she was locked in anywhere, she would try to find her way out. Be it taking off barn siding, galloping away with barn wall attached to lead rope, which would be attached to her. Taking down wooden stall 2 by 4s, so she could leap over the broken wood and be grazing on green grass, when I arrive to let her out in the morning. Of course, probably, my fault, I trained her during play, to go over, under and around things. One morning, she had spent the night trying to get a hook latch undone so she could open her gate,BAD IDEA FOR LATCH, she practically cut her eye out, eye lid was almost sliced off,,,, she went through any electric fence,didn't bother her. WE went for a walk and she was leaning over a electric fence to graze, my hand was on her body, she got zapped and I did too. We both jumped . Wont go near that fence again. She loved putting her head through barb wire, coming home with bleeding nose and punctures , had to take barb wire down. My son was responsible to go to the lower field to bring the horses in at night, she would see him coming, as he entered the 26 acre where she was , she would take off, be back at the barn in her stall, by the time he got to her with red, sweaty, face and panting body, trying to keep up with her. He would always say, THAT STUPID HORSE OF YOURS. Yep she be mine.