My Heart Belongs To You
by Zara Benton.........................................
3 long years ago today
You found your wings and flew away
It was your time to say goodbye
And as you left I heard you sigh
Your pain was gone and you were free
And you became a memory

I held you in my arms and said
'Go find the bridge, go on ahead
Go find your youth and be renewed'
And one day I will come for you
Wait for me there, go run and play
And I will remember you every day

When I think of your beautiful face
I know that heaven is a brighter place
When I remember the love we shared
There is no other that can compare
You were the best that you could be
I hope that you remember me

I long to hold you one more time
And feel the love that once was mine
To see you swim and play with me
But then I know that can never be
For we shared a very special love
That lives on now in heaven above

Your memories remain with me
I miss you into eternity
Your heart and mine a love so true
Will always be with me and you
Your star shines out so bright and tall
Loving you was the greatest gift of all

Sleep in peace my beautiful Zak
Maybe one day 'he' will give you back
And so for now to god I'll pray
That we will meet again one day

My beautiful Zak
Good bye old friend -- My heart belongs to you xx.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Zara Benton
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