Ziggy's Rainbow
by Ziggy's Mom .........................................
I attend Quaker meeting and we always speak of the Light, but I never had an experience of the Light until Ziggy gave it to me. The night before we had to euthanize him due to cancer, I let him sleep in my bed. When it was morning, just before I awoke, I experienced a loving Light that made me Happy. When I opened my eyes, I knew that Light was Ziggy's birthright and that this was the Light he was about to enter.
Ziggy was already a miracle dog, having way outlived the predictions of his death due to cancer. I knew he couldn't beat that anymore now, but I also knew that death could not overcome his spirit. I know for sure now that his soul is in blissful Light.
Still I was sad and sorry for myself and for my husband, and I wrote to my Mom about it. She sent me back some words she recently learned straight from the mouth of Maya Angelou, who "spoke of thinking the sun will never shine again on the darkest days...then comes a rainbow through the clouds."
I wrote back that I was sure of it, that Ziggy was my rainbow and my miracle, and that I had no doubt of it whatsoever. It was a rainy week when we had to lay him down, but lo and behold, not only did a rainbow appear in the sky that very week, but my coworker (not knowing about any of this) photographed it and sent it out on our work email. The rainbow was over Petsmart, where Ziggy loved to shop.
The next week, my husband rented the movie "Australia." Neither one of us knew anything about it. Much to my surprise, what song of all songs do you suppose was prominent in the film? It was none other than "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," from the Wizard of Oz. If you've seen "Australia," then you'll know Ziggy was "singing me to him."
This week, the synchronicities moved to a whole new level. When we had originally gotten back Ziggy's ashes, I was afraid to open the wrapped box, which had a card inside. Just yesterday, my husband felt ready to open it, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that inside the card was a very particular photo story. It was the words about Rainbow Bridge and the picture of a rainbow!
I just had to write to my Mom again about this whole sequence of events. That is how, last night, my Mom came to write back to me about this Rainbow Bridge website, and I posted my first message there on Ziggy's behalf. This story is written to you today because it is so compelling. I think Ziggy's Rainbow clearly holds a message for all of us who have loved our pets and who have received their love: the spirit of love and the souls of our beloved pets do indeed cross over the Rainbow Bridge. It is a heaven of Light and happiness, to which we all return as our birthright.
May peace be with you.
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