by Zoë Boomsma.........................................
I know i have not been here
for a good many years
but the time has come once again
to shed heartbroken tears
Kurt, my great old shepard dog
bless his doggy heart
Is now, i fear
In his last year
a few days left we think
And even now im crying
scared of whats to come
i do not want to lose you
my dear old doggy chum.
youve been with us only 3 years
come from the SPA (note: RSPCA in french)
I think we've given you
a better life then when
you were with your old masters
at any rate i hope,
cos i love you
and when your gone
My heart, it will just break
I don't want to do this no more
Lose pet after loving pet
But i just hope youll wait for me
Up there on the rainbow bridge.
Cos if i do not see you again
i dont know what i'll do
and Sam and monty love you too
And the cats and mum and dad.
Your loss is something that will feel
for many years to come
I dont want you to leave us now
when the new years not even come
Christmas has just passed us by
and now it seems you too
are following suite and going
it will never be the same
christmas time from now on
will be filled with sadness profound
but my baby boy
we will miss you
so just kep your joy
you try hard i see it
with your soft brown doggy eyes
but the time is coming for departing
and i know that you must go
but i wish with all my heart
you wont forget us