by Zyra May L. Azarcon.........................................
Life".. Seems sometimes be so unfair,
You may be bad at the dark miserable past.
But, When the time comes you changed.
The time you'll learn,
All you've done will reapeted!, suffered!, and be painful!.

Why go judged me at first sight?
why come ,and know me inside,
THEN.. feel the emptiness..
here, inside of me..
sadly.. deeply.. seriously,

Wake up!! Life is Learning,
Breathing! Everyone's feels pain,!
sorrow,! phatheticness!
be humble! don't criticize!
Everyone has their own potentials!

it's about you! it's sometime!
the smallest things can make the biggest difference..
Don't surrender, Be a butterfly..
make something! be something!
be you! be yourself! it's you!


Comments would be appreciated by the author, Zyra May L. Azarcon
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