by Zyra May Azarcon.........................................
I love you! a sweetest thing i want to hear..
always happily happy! makes my heart throbbing!
with all your loving, makes me Bippity Boppity Boop and bam!
palpitating, your love makes me energized,
with your smile it makes me hypnotized!

Your mine, and im yours,like the song that nice to be sing,
like the flowers blooming! like a hulking grin!
with a felicitous cloud castle! with a faries dancing!
singing Lalalala..! with nice mirthful jubilee ..
like a three blind miccccccccceeeeeeeeeee!

see how they run! suchlike rosypichy talking fairies!
with a comily shipshape charming tone and vox..
yummy.. simply its nice to be love!
to the one that you love! preety inlove!
with LOVE isn't perfect but makes us complete!

by: Zyra May Landrito Azarcon:)


Comments would be appreciated by the author, Zyra May Azarcon
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