by adara spivey.........................................
October 15,2006:It was a beautiful sweet Sunday morning and everything went on as usual but, lolly wasn't in her lawn chair so I figured that she went off to play with the neighbors dogs so I went on to church and thought everything was ok.But it wasn't ok lolly had been killed by a car and they hadn't told me.So I went on as usual unknown that she had been hit. I went outside to get somthing from the garage and whistled for her but, she didn't come. So I thought something was wrong instinctively I went inside to ask my pap if he knew were she was.All of a sudden my meme{that's what my cousin caals her} started crying and I knew she was dead.He said"honey lolly was hit this morning".I started to cry thinking it couldn't be true.But it was.
October 16,2006:
I couldn't eat so all I did was sit and think about her and cry.I knew I would have to face my friend Mickala and tell her that she was dead.Mickala had helped me train lolly to be mellow and I knew it would be hard on her.So I went to school and came up to her and said"guess what happened yesterday" and she said she didn't want to here about it. So I said lolly got hit yesterday morning and Mickala and I cried on eachothers shoulders.I thought I never could get another dog because it was so hard on all of us.
December 20,2006:
Ican't believe I am saying this but we got another dog!His is a shih-tzu named clay after my papaw torrence.He is white with a lot brindle on his body and head. He is officiall mine. Also he is 6 weeks old and is short and stubby with a little head that will fit in the palm of your hand.I know I will miss lolly at times but, now I have another little puppy to love
lollipop September 11,2005-October 15,2006