Saw a Rainbow at night.
by adele fink.........................................
February 13, approx 1130 at night we were driving home grieved from loosing our chancy at the emergency room. We were heading home and we stopped by a traffic light just getting ready to enter the interstate and mom mentioned to me look at the colors on that sign,I said mom it's a rainbow,it's God letting us know that he is here with us and that knows the grief we have. The next morning sat at the desk hesitant to look at the bill I did not want to be reminded what he had gone through,I noticed that there were other papers mixed with the bill it was a poem about rainbow's bridge "WOW" I gave mom the poem and she look at me with astonishment that what we saw was truly a sign from God and the author unknown, I believe that he also saw a sign "rainbow" from God, also can find the covenant to us and all living creaturs in Genesis 9:16.My chance will forever be in our hearts, and God has given us a peace about our beloved chancy and Tyrone...and all the other pets that we have had through the years.I still miss him, I can still feel his presence around us, but God has given us a hope and promise that we are going to see him again.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, adele fink
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