my babies together again
by ainsworth joanne.........................................
This is dedicated to my beautiful Sheba who passed 9th April 2008 and just as beautiful Shadow who passed 25th March 2009. Both gave me 15 1/2 years each of love, loyalty and the best of memories.
Two more different personalities there could not have been and yet you were the best of friends. You looked out for each other and "played" you mum and dad perfectly. Sheba you loved to play ball, swim cuddle your mum, were very cheeky and let everyone know you where here when you went last year you left such a large hole in our hearts. You passing was painful and difficult for you and for us and was such a shock as you had been playing with us that very morning things happened too quickly for us to help you on your way and make it easier for you. Shadow you were such a quite personality who wanted to be loved by everyone, my gentle giant who was happy to let Sheba take the lime light until she passed last year.
Sheba how you mothered Shadow, telling her off if she did anything wrong, nagging her to play when all she wanted to do was cuddle. Shadow how you missed Sheba and clung to your mum all the time, we lived on borrowed time with you for the last 2 1/2 years after your first really bad bout of illness, but you were so loving and trusting you let us nurse you back to health time and time again when any other dog would of given up. After Shebas shocked passing after a terrible night of pain and siezures that caused Sheba's heart to give up, you were determinded to make up for lost time and came out of your shell to become the center of attention for the first time in your life. But these last 6 months of reoccuring illness took it's toll on you and you died in your mums arms happy at home and wagging your tail to the last.
Mums first words were Sheba come take Shadow to the rainbow brigde, let her know there is nothing to be scared of and that you are there to look after her again until her mum comes for both of you.
Dad said last night after Shadow passed that Sheba would be nagging her right now just like she use to, telling her off for leaving her alone for so long and for putting mum and dad through so much heart ache.
Our lives will be so empty now with out either of you mum still misses Sheba and now you are both gone does not know what to do, mum just keeps cuddling Tig but knows at 18 she is old for a cat and will be joining you at the rainbow bridge soon.

You are always in our hearts and we miss you loads until we meet again at the bridge take care of each other as you always did in life

Comments would be appreciated by the author, ainsworth joanne
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